Leica high precision GPS iOS setup

Using a Leica G04 plus Smart Antenna and the Zeno Connect App for iOS, you can collect high precision 3D GPS location data accurate to five decimal places. To set this up, you must configure a location field in Flowfinity, download the Zeno Connect app from Leica, and connect your external antenna to your iOS device.

Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS


An engineering firm requires high precision GPS data to be collected and submitted when surveying project sites. This firm wants to deploy field workers with iOS devices and Leica GG04 plus Smart Antennas to record the data into their Flowfinity application.

Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS


  1. Customize the application that will be used to collect GPS location data (e.g. Work Orders).
  2. Go to the 'Form' tab and add a location field to the form.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  3. 'Mode' will automatically select a 2D (latitude & longitude) for the GPS coordinates, change this to 3D (latitude, longitude & altitude).
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
    The 'Altitude units' are set to Meters by default, to provide high precision GPS data to ensure that the 5 decimal point precision is selected.
    Note: If you are not using a high precision GPS unit do not increase the precision as the data collected will not be accurate enough for the reading to be meaningful.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  4. Save the form and publish the application. Your application is now configured to display high precision GPS data.
  5. On your iOS device, open the AppStore and search for 'Leica Zeno Connect' and install the app.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  6. Ensure your Leica hardware is powered on. Open the Zeno application, select the 'Settings' menu, and then 'Antenna.'
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  7. Connect your device to Leica GPS Antenna via iOS Bluetooth settings
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  8. Return to the Leica Zeno Connect app, the Leica Antenna will now show as a connected device.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  9. Open the Flowfinity Actions app on your iOS device and select the 'Peripherals' menu.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  10. Select the Leica Antenna as the GPS receiver for location fields.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS
  11. Enter the app where the GPS location field is required, e.g. Work Orders. The application will now collect high precision GPS location data from your Leica Antenna.
    Note: The antenna should be used outdoors in order to achieved accurate high precision GPS location data.
    Flowfinity - Leica high precision GPS