Reduce Unplanned Downtime with IoT

Provide real-time insights to the people who need it, when, where, and how they need it to react faster.

Leading manufacturers trust Flowfinity IoT solutions to help them enhance productivity by connecting people, processes and facilities to monitor production and maintenance to maximize uptime and minimize waste.

  • Automate monitoring and alerts
  • Prolong equipment lifecycles
  • Enhance quality control
  • Schedule maintenance tasks
  • Stream high-frequency data
  • Scale custom solutions

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Real-time IoT monitoring of facilities

Gain greater visibility with real-time process monitoring and alerts

Flowfinity enables 24/7 monitoring of production through connected contollers and sensor data. This information allows you to identify inefficiencies and problems as they happen, facilitating immediate corrective action. Visualize key production metrics in real-time operational intellignece dashboards and recieve instant alerts when anommolies occur.

Measure and monitor to reduce energy consumption and waste

Prolong asset lifecycles with preventative maintenance

There may be no greater disruption to manufacturing operations than unplanned downtime. By analyzing IoT sensor data and maintenance history you can predict when machines are likely to fail or require maintenance. This proactive approach prevents downtime, extends the life of machinery, and reduces lifetime ownership costs while also promoting energy efficency.


Measure everything to improve quality and reduce waste

Collect IoT sensor data for any environmental or product parameters including pressure, temperature, humidity, line speed and more to ensure that outputs meet rigid quality standards. Reduce the risk of unnoticed production defects that could lead to wasted materials, complaints and returns, boosting customer satisfaction and the bottom line.

Testimonial - Thornton Group

"Flowfinity enables us to bridge the gap between our systems, facilities and workflow. The platform is more powerful at workflow and reporting than all the other solutions we evaluated."
Technology Leader, Centra Windows

Optimize production and maintenance schedules

Optimize production and maintenance schedules

Use Flowfinity's natively integrated task and resource management tools with shared access for better communication and planning. Teams work together more effectively from a synchronized drag-and-drop scheduler to organize their work and significantly improve productivity, efficiency, and team collaboration.

Stream and visualize your high-frequency IoT data

Stream and visualize your high-frequency IoT data

You've deployed sensors to monitor your facility, now what to do with the data? Flowfinity Streams is a time series database optimized for high-volume IoT data collection and storage. Link your data collection apps to workflows and dashboard visualizations for a unified solution using one dedicated platform.

Customize and scale your solution for any facility

Customize and scale your solution for any facility

Most manufactureres know that real-time IoT monitoring would boost efficency, but stuggle with programming hardware and connecting sensors to systems. That's why Flowfinity hardware and software is fully compatible right out of the box to make it easier to retrofit existing facilites with a scalable solution.

Recommended further reading

Ready to learn more?

We've told you that Flowfinity is the fast, easy and secure way to deploy enterprise-grade IoT solutions, now let us show you how.

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We'll help you overcome barriers to entry and design a custom IoT manufacturing solution that will optimize your operational ROI.

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Create, automate and integrate custom IoT solutions. No code. No compromise.